How do you build the courts?

How are the competition courts marked In the water? The casting takes place with floating light lines that are sensitive to wind and therefore the courts must be laid so that you can throw in a tail wind.  The court is marked with shackles.


The officials who measure the cast sit in rubber boats. On the stands there are 2-3 officials and 1-2 competitors. The next competitor are on the beach in the designated area.


The activity is performed above the surface of the water, the line and the fly land on top of the surface of the water and do not sink to the bottom. At the end of the line is a fly without a hook and it cannot harm plants
or nature.


In two of the competition events, the caster stands in the water and throws out the line as long as possible in the wind direction.

In all event, except one, the competitive element is to throw as far as possible.

In one of the events rings are laid out on top of the water surface, which are anchored with the help of a weight that is lowered to the bottom, which means that the rings do not move.

The competitive element is accuracy, throwing against the laid out rings.